Teaching Across Intersections
Duration: 28.02.2022 - 27.02.2025
Project Number: 2021-1-CZ01-KA220-SCH-000027740
Imaging living on a junction where three streets intersect. The first one leads to a university, high quality food can be bought for low prices on the second street, while the flats on the third one are renovated and rent controlled. Now, imagine growing up on a completely different junction with one street leading to a prison, the second street with a damaged sewer system, while on the third one they sell unreasonably expensive groceries. How does living in these two different places influence your life choices and possibilities? Teaching Across Intersections (TAI) is a project focused on secondary school pupils whose lives are influenced by a combination of different kinds of disadvantage. Those whose identities are omitted by the mainstream educational systems. Those who were born on the “wrong” junction. Various studies of contemporary school curricula have shown that the portrayed identities and life trajectories reflect interests of pupils belonging to the normative majority of the society. Consequently, the experience represented is mainly white, middle class, heterosexual and able bodied. The lack of intersectional approach in secondary school education is thus the main issue we intend to tackle. In our definition, secondary school entails pupils from the age of eleven to fifteen.
Insufficient teaching methodologies negatively influence educational outcomes of pupils as well as choices regarding their futures. Mainstream teaching practices do not fully reflect on the social reality of marginalized pupils who are subjected to discrimination based on specific constellations of factors such as gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, economic status, culture and disability. Structural discrimination based on multiple intersections makes children’s specific needs invisible not only to the school curriculum, but also to the teachers and other relevant actors in the field of education. For this reason, the TAI project strives for integration of intersectional perspective into everyday teaching methods. Teaching Across Intersections is conceived as a three-year project implemented by four non-governmental organizations from four European countries: GIC NORA (Czech Republic), Sdruzhenie Walk Together (Bulgaria), Asociatia De Tineret Plantogether (Romania), and Idrisi Cultura e Sviluppo (Italy). Over the course of the project, three project results will be produced. Also, three international project meetings and one training activity will be held. Moreover, five dissemination events will take place.
The main objective of the project is to expand secondary school teachers’ knowledge on intersectionality as a tool of inclusion and to provide them with a set of soft skills allowing them to fulfill the needs of pupils on various intersections of gender, ethnicity, economic status, religion, sexual orientation, disability and so on. By strengthening secondary school teachers’ competencies and cultivating sensitivity towards various intersections, they will be able to create a safe and welcoming environment in the classroom where children of all backgrounds will feel at home.
First, a comparative comprehensive research report will be written based on an intersectional comparative content analysis of selected secondary school textbooks and monitoring of intersectional awareness among school teachers. The analysis will be conducted in order to determine whether the authors included intersectional perspective in the textbooks and if they did, in what ways. Intersections of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, economic status, and ability will be considered. In addition, a monitoring of current knowledge on the topic of a group of secondary school teachers will be executed. Finally, a set of criteria for further assessment of different textbooks will be developed. Secondly, an open online educational resource will be created in order to centralize relevant stakeholders, problem sources and educational materials related to intersectionality and the application of its principles in secondary school education. The material will contain infographics including problem trees specifying and visualizing the role of stakeholders and sources of the lack of intersectional approach in school education. In addition, an inventory of currently available teaching manuals and methodological guidelines focusing on inclusive education, gender sensitive education and so on will be included. This will allow us to map and view the materials not as separate documents but rather as a network of relevant resources which, when combined, adhere to the principles of intersectionality. At the end, a list of recommendations will be created and shared with NGOs and other relevant stakeholders. Finally, a handbook of methodologies to accompany selected secondary school textbooks will be produced. It will contain detailed teaching manuals directly connected to the exercises and activities that are already part of the previously analyzed textbooks and, consequently, of the schools’ curriculum. Thus, the teachers will be (1) able to incorporate more tasks related to inclusive and otherwise sensitive education in the classroom and (2) apply the principles of intersectionality in practice with special regards to the intersections of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, economic status, religion, and ability. Hence, the new activities, extensions of exercises and questions for discussion included in the handbook will be easier to incorporate thanks to their time efficiency. The topic of intersectionality is rarely addressed in school education, therefore, the methodologies will be beneficial as sources of new information for relevant stakeholders. Another expected outcome of the TAI project is a formulation of suggestions for future structural systemic changes. It will be based on raising awareness about the importance of intersectional approach in secondary school education among relevant stakeholders, the media and the general public.
Links for the social media of the project: To be added
Youth Participation for Developing Sustainable Green Cities
Duration: 01.12.2022 - 01.12.2024
Project Number: 2022-1-DE04-KA220-YOU-000085135
This project is an initial Smart City project. It does not contain technological solutions at the moment. But will be a base for future projects with the technical parts included. Our green youth-led NGOs will be on the road cooperating for future projects.
This project aims to foster municipalities to develop sustainable smart green cities cooperating with youth.
- Creating a network of independent, self-sufficient youth-led NGOs in partner cities;
- To raise awareness among young and adult citizens having a smart green city of their own.
At the end of the journey we will have the following results:
- Creation of a training module (Smart Cities)
- Creation of a training platform to host the module
- Development of skills in green Smart Cities
- Building a green cities network
- Six Green youth community NGOs
- Building a youth-led NGO network
Links for the social media of the project: https://sustainablegreencities.com/
Duration : 01-01-2023 – 01-01-2025
Project number: ERASMUS-YOUTH-2022-YOUTH-TOG-101086205
The “Let us Think Green” project aims to raise awareness and consciousness about maintaining a clean, green, and sustainable environment, including clean water sources, clean atmosphere, and preserving the blue sea. The project involves six non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from five countries collaborating to promote sustainable practices and environmental protection.
Planned activities include online and face-to-face environmental training for project teams, awareness events, a green conference and exhibition, exchange of good practices and projects related to the environment, local and transnational project partnerships on the environment, and the development of a sustainable cooperation model.
The project targets direct beneficiaries, including 16 youth workers, 13 experts and external evaluators, 36 young people, and 35 young volunteers, totaling 100 people. Additionally, there are 140 indirect beneficiaries, including local partners and volunteers.
Expected results of the project include the establishment of a local and transnational cooperation model for a sustainable environment, increased awareness about clean and green environments in the regions and project countries, and improved knowledge and skills of project participants regarding environmental preservation.
The project aims to produce various outputs, including an electronic booklet of project studies on sustainable green and clean environments, presentations used in trainings and meetings, desk research reports, photos, videos, a project website, and a sustainable cooperation model for the future.
The project aligns with the priorities of the Erasmus+ program for 2022, focusing on the environment and fighting against climate change, participation in democratic life, and digital transformation.
Through training, awareness events, and dissemination activities using digital technologies and social media, the project seeks to actively involve youth and NGOs in democratic life and cooperate with local and national policymakers. The project will contribute to building knowledge, skills, and attitudes on green and clean environments in the EU and neighboring countries.
The project will facilitate collaboration with environmental units of municipalities, forestry operations directorates, high schools, and universities in Muğla and Antalya, Turkey, where the project will be implemented.
The project will also involve a Green Conference and Green Exhibition, bringing together representatives from partner organizations and stakeholders to discuss work-packages, exchange ideas, and showcase project products.
After the project, the partners plan to continue their collaboration and maintain the project webpage for at least two years to further promote sustainable green and clean environments.
Duration: 09.01.2023 – 10.31.2024
Project Number: 2023-1-HU01-KA210-SCH-000160063
SCHOOL EDUCATION: Tackling learning disadvantage, early school leaving and low proficiency in basic skills
Topics: Creating new, innovative or joint curricula or courses Inclusion of marginalised young people Preventing early school leaving and failure in education
Aims of the project:
- Adaptation of non-formal education (NFE) methods in formal education
- Development of teaching materials using project method of teaching (PM) and art-based pedagogy (ABP), which can be applied in teaching different subjects within the schools' frames and support the formal education in schools
- Design of methodological tools for the development of key competences as defined by the EU
- Inclusive educational processes involving young people from different social backgrounds
Using elements of the project method and arts-based pedagogy, it makes available methods that ensure interdisciplinary application.
- Teachers can try a different 'function' from the traditional role of teacher, that of facilitator.
- Interdisciplinary transferability school subject areas will help students understanding of school subjects while they actively participate in the process.
- Young people will experience peer learning so they also learn from each other.
Volunteers will join the programme so that young people from vulnerable groups can interact with some members of the majority society and learn from each other in the process.
Escape to Wellbeing!
Duration: 01.01.2023-30.06.2024
Project number:2022-2-IE01-KA220-YOU-000099834
The pandemic context triggered a global crisis with an extensive impact on the lives of millions of people, caused not only by the disease, but by the jobs lost, by the disruption in the families' budget, by the postponed mourning, by the increase in inequalities and, above all, by the uncertainty. It is not surprising that, in the wake of the health, social and economic crisis, we are witnessing another one, that of psychological health, whose dimension and effects are still unpredictable.
Of course, not everyone will be affected in the same way. The risks will be greater depending on age, gender, occupation, socioeconomic status, personal variables or available resources. However, studies indicate that those under 30 are one of the main risk groups for the development of psychological health problems, including anxiety, depression, variations of mood, emotional exhaustion, sleep disturbances, post-traumatic stress or increased suicidal behavior, the latter understood in a spectrum of self-aggression that involves suicidal ideation, threats, attempts and acts. The prolonged period of isolation caused by COVID-19, the intense debates over vaccination, and the ongoing war in Ukraine have highlighted several integration issues all over Europe. Negative changes in young people’s behavior and habits have been noticed by both teachers and youth workers – young people have become more closed, socialize less and avoid greeting other peers. The armed conflict in Ukraine continues to have a severe impact on civilians and, indirectly on young people, lowering their expectations in the future. The longer the conflict lasts, the deeper are psychological scars. The prolonged period of isolation caused by COVID-19, the intense debates over vaccination, and the ongoing war in Ukraine have highlighted several integration issues all over Europe. Negative changes in young people’s behavior and habits have been noticed by both teachers and youth workers – young people have become more closed, socialize less and avoid greeting other peers. Thus, young people consider modern issues as pressing, feel the challenges of mental health issues and give less and less importance to social contact. It appears that we are now living in a time unlike any other, in which we are going through one overwhelming experience after another. European countries unfortunately have a long history of exposure to large-scale
trauma, mainly because of human-made events such as war. Unexpected life-threatening events, conflicts and wars have immense consequences on mental health and wellbeing especially in children and young people. Wars, isolation and conflicts can lead to a toxic mix of stress and mental and physical health problems specially in young people.
It is the awareness of this situation, as well as the conviction that this partnership can make a contribution to the mitigation of these effects that led us to the preparation of this project ongoing war in Ukraine, negative changes in the behaviour and habits of young people were registered throughout Europe,
becoming more closed, socializing less and with few expectations for the future. Wellbeing has been described as focusing on lifestyle behaviours that contribute to individuals living to their full potential and is often portrayed as multidimensional, in which these dimensions contribute to forming an integrated whole. Most welfare models each contain a set of diverse dimensions: social, emotional, physical, intellectual, spiritual, psychological, occupational and environmental. Wellbeing is, therefore, an integrated construction determined by behaviors that facilitate the journey towards ideal states in multiple dimensions.
This project is assumed to make a contribution to this innovative approach. Seven areas were defined in which the theme of Wellbeing will be worked on: Mindfulness, Digital Entrepreneurship, Sustainability, Civil and Human rights , Mental health , Art and Creativity, Inclusion
The objectives of this project are:
O1-Improving the key competences of the youngster/youth trainees as well the partner organizations, through a deepening of knowledge about wellbeing related to Mindfulness, Digital Entrepreneurship, Sustainability , Civil and Human rights , Mental health , Art and Creativity and Inclusion;
O2-Create a mobile APP that can measure the wellbeing of the youngsters on the topics addressed by this project using the digital escape room strategy;
O3-Define a referential and inspiring set of "success stories" that increased wellbeing among young people through their Training;
O4-Strengthen the link between, NGO, companies, Youth centers, universities in a European dimension;
The horizontal priority ‘Inclusion and diversity in all fields of education, training, youth and sport’ will be addressed in
particular by O1,O3;
The sectoral priority ‘Promoting active citizenship, young people’s sense of initiative and youth entrepreneurship including social entrepreneurship’ by the specific objectives O1, O2,O3,O4.
And finally horizontal priority “Addressing digital transformation through development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity” Will be addressed by O1, O2,O3.
The main results of the project are:
R1-2 Capacity building sessions of the organizations in the partnership
R2-7 local workshops (one per partner) involving 70 youth trainers resulting from the replication actions of the Capacity building sessions
R3-Escape to wellbeing! - Mobile APP where the project's themes is approached using digital escape room strategy.
R4-7 (Un)structured conversations about wellbeing
R5-Final event
Lifesaving Network
Duration: 01.01.2023 – 31.03.2024
Project number: 101091044 under the ERASMUS-SPORT-2022-SSCP
Lifesaving sport is a competitive sport that focuses on developing and demonstrating the skills and techniques required for aquatic rescue and survival.
It is often based on the training and techniques used by lifeguards and emergency responders, and emphasizes physical fitness, teamwork, and knowledge of aquatic safety.
The Lifesaving Network aims to establish a European network of organizations working on preventing drownings and promoting lifesaving sports.
Rural Youth Mobility Opportunities (RYMO)
Duration: 1.05.2022 - 01.05.2024
Project number: 2021-2-FR02-KA220-YOU-000049263
RYMO (RURAL YOUTH MOBILITY OPPORTUNITIES) aims to create cross-border opportunities for young people with fewer opportunities to improve their socio-economic integration through a mobility project. The objective is to develop opportunities for young people and youth workers living and working in rural areas, so that they are informed and trained to participate in mobility projects and can guide young people towards them.
This project aims to design different innovative training sessions for young people as well as for youth professionals. Thus, young people with fewer opportunities will be equipped to engage and mobilize other young people in their territory.
In all the partner countries, young people living in rural areas are less involved in voluntary activities in their town. There is also a higher rate of unemployment, which can be explained by the lack of mobility. Those who are geographically isolated do not have enough information to participate in mobility programs and they do not know the existing devices to strengthen their skills throughout Europe.
This project was therefore built to bridge the gap between organizations and young people, allowing them to learn about mobility projects so that they can define a different life path, both in their professional and private life.
The project partners will therefore undertake the realization of 6 intellectual productions:
- A “first training cycle for professionals” to improve the knowledge of youth workers working on mobility programs and projects
- A “first training cycle for young people” to improve the knowledge of young people with fewer opportunities on mobility programs and projects
- A “second training cycle for young people and professionals” to train young people to become mobility ambassadors in their territory and to train professionals to accompany young people to participate in a mobility project
- “Six local centers” that will be relevant structures to constitute a network where young people and professionals can identify, mobilize and orientate young people
- A “mobility guide” for young people, which will contain all the necessary information on the mobility programs and on the local centers that can be identified in each country
- A “pedagogical kit” for youth workers, which will contain all the learning and support methodology with examples of workshops, training and testimonies
The project will first of all have an impact on future mobility participants. It will allow to :
- Increase the capacity of people with fewer opportunities to participate in and carry out a qualitative mobility project; support them to enhance their skills
- Assess their key and horizontal competences acquired during their mobility project and thus have a better chance to access a job at the end of the project
- Develop soft skills and self-confidence, but also broaden their horizons and increase their understanding of different cultures.
For the other institutions, the project will
- Develop and improve the overall professional dialogue and exchange (practices, tools) between the different actors of the general public (at local, national and European level) and the organizations working in the youth sector
- Facilitate the development of new partnership projects including new European partners who may never have worked together before.
- Help to be more effective and efficient in preparing participants before they embark on a mobility period.
- Improve the skills and knowledge of youth workers, existing methodologies and pedagogical tools in order to develop new innovative online tools and to foster international mobility.
Public and beneficiaries
The target audience is young people between 16 and 30 years old with fewer opportunities living in rural areas and youth workers who are in contact with these young people on a daily basis.
The RYMO project will directly involve 150 people including 90 young people with fewer opportunities.
Duration: 01.01.2023 – 31.02.2024
Project Number: 2022-1-PT01-KA210-ADU-000081126
Social exclusion of the adult population as a result of the lack of economic and financial knowledge.
- Combating social exclusion resulting from the low economic and financial knowledge of the adult population.
- Promote the training of:
-Adult educators to work with adult learners in situations of social and economic vulnerability through the recognition, experimentation, and validation of new practices and knowledge of financial education;
-Adult learners in a situation of social and economic vulnerability through developing key competencies in entrepreneurship (especially economic and financial literacy).
- Manual of Good Practices;
- Guideline Flit –Financial education with adults in a broader context: practical and theoretical orientation on how to intervene in adult capacitation in terms of financial education.
- Booklet of the implementation process of the project for dissemination purposes.
Duration: 32 months
Project Number: 2023-1-HR01-KA220-YOU-000166168
Agriculture has a unique ability to engage and inspire young people in STEM learning both inside and outside the classroom. Using agriculture in this way has multiple benefits – it reconnects young people with where their food comes from, it teaches them about the environment around them, and it develops an early interest in science, technology, engineering and math and the exciting and innovative opportunities these subject areas can lead to. This can have longterm benefits beyond food and farming, by having a positive impact on other industries that need STEM skills.
To successfully attract young people to employment in the agricultural sector, there are issues within formal and non-formal education systems in participating countries that need to be tackled. First of all, more young people need to engage in STEM subjects inside and outside of the formal education, but we are lacking the youth workers and the infrastructure to make this happen.
The project should be funded because it’s addressing a significant skills shortage in STEM subjects and agriculture that is expected to worsen in the coming years, a pressing issue that affects not only the education sector but also the labour market and the economy as a whole. By funding this project, the Erasmus+ program will encourage innovation in the youth work sector, which is essential for staying up-to-date with the changing needs of the labour market. The project is also focused on promoting social inclusion by ensuring that the early intervention programs and teaching resources are accessible to all young people, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Therefore, funding it will promote social inclusion and ensure that all young people have access to high-quality education and training opportunities.
The project aims to encourage the development of innovative practices and the implementation of joint initiatives establishing the practical application of STEM tools and methods in agriculture and organic farming as an innovative and forward-looking industry, in the context of enhancing employability for young people with fewer opportunities.
By strengthening the capacity of organizations in the area of program development for young people in the integrated field of STEM and agriculture through innovative methods of learning and teaching, advocacy and popularization of STEM will be made possible bringing the STEM field closer to end users through an increased number of non-institutional activities.
Specific project objectives are:
- encouraging agriculture and organic farming activities based on STEM by fostering collaborative partnerships between youth organizations, stakeholders, and agribusinesses, in order to enable young people to engage in a scientific learning experience that is cross-sectoral and collaborative;
- establishing a link between agriculture and STEM to produce innovative results for youth work, with a unique ability to engage youth in STEM learning both inside and outside the classroom and to create long-term benefits for entrepreneurship of youth in industries industries with a high demand for STEM skills;
- developing a set of practical materials, tools and guidelines that will contribute to the application of new methods in youth work;
- supporting a transition to a circular (green) economy by developing cross-sectoral cooperation and approaches that enable youth to create, secure and retain green jobs;
- promoting Erasmus+ and EU opportunities in the field of youth.
Target groups of this project are:
- Educators and trainers who work with young people in the participating countries:
(1) In non-formal education settings: trainers and facilitators who work in youth organizations, community centers, and other non-formal education settings. They have an increasing need to deliver STEM and agriculture education to increase employability and entrepreneurship of their target groups;
(2) In formal education settings: teachers, lecturers, and professors who work in schools, colleges, and universities, delivering STEM and agriculture education to young people.
- Young people between the ages of 15-25 who are at the critical stage of making choices about their future education and career paths. The project aims to inspire their interest in STEM subjects and agriculture and engage them in these fields through innovative early intervention programs and teaching resources. This target group includes:
(1) Young people who are still exploring their interests and talents and may not have made a decision about their future education and career paths yet (in the need for guidance and inspiration to help them make informed decisions about their future);
(2) Young people from underrepresented groups in STEM and agriculture, such as young people from low-income families, and young people with geographic obstacles. They face additional barriers in accessing education and career opportunities in these fields and will benefit from targeted interventions to support their engagement and participation;
(3) Young people who have already shown an interest in STEM and agriculture and are looking for opportunities to deepen their knowledge and skills in these fields.
- Youth organizations and educational institutions in participating countries (working with underrepresented groups; interested in innovative approaches in education; open to integrate initiatives in STEM and agriculture).
Finished Projects
First finished project
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